What Does Being Rich Really Mean?


What Does Being Rich Really Mean?

I know what you’re thinking, another  financial blog? Have I lost my mind? Not at all. But consider what I am about to tell you, and you will see what being rich in so many areas of your life really means.
Deuteronomy 15:11 NIV
“11.There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.”
You can choose to make excuses for why people are poor, excuses for not donating, and excuses for why you’re miserable, blame others for your situation, whine, complain, blame the government, but it won’t change your life, or attitude about it unless you change your mentality.
There’s a guy standing on the corner, with a sign that says, “Need Help, Need Work”. He’s not asking for a hand out he’s praying for a job. When you’re homeless it’s hard to get a job without an address to verify. Compound that with nowhere to live and good luck getting a job. So what do you do?
Many of us have seen that situation many times on a street corner and made the usual excuse. I’m broke can’t help him right now, I have no job to offer him, he probably does this for a living, what a bum he needs to get out of this area, sound familiar?
Psalms 72:12 NIV
“12.For he will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help.”
When someone suffers God sees the hardship, though we pray for help for our own situations or situations of others to get better we sometimes give up. God hears every prayer.
When Christ lives inside of us, it is so much easier to be rich without being rich. You wonder how that can be. I’m a person of simple means myself. So how is it or how can I ever be rich when I don’t have access to millions? Then I start thinking about Jesus. Let’s face it Jesus was no multimillionaire yet he wanted for nothing. He traveled on a very limited budget. Nowhere in the bible does it mention a 4 star resort with luxury accommodations for Jesus or his disciples. Jesus relied on the kindness of strangers. He trusted that God His father would provide for him. He went from town to town, house to house, on land and sea by the kindness of strangers who believed in Him. Strangers fed, clothed and gave Jesus a place to stay wherever He went. In turn, Jesus fed multitudes, ate with sinners, and performed miracles. He did so out of love for his brothers and sisters. Jesus is love, the light of the world. He showed His love through many acts. He taught His disciples that loving your brothers and sisters was the greatest of all commands. So if we have Christ living in us, we have love living in us. It is Christ’s love for all that should move us to help our fellow man. God reaches us through His son Jesus Christ. As our relationships grow with Christ, so should our love for others.

Matthew 26:11
“11. The poor you will always have with you, but you will not always love me”
Jesus reminds his disciples that there will always be poor among us. In Deuteronomy God says the same and commands us to be openhanded toward our brothers and sisters who are needy. If we are to be Christ like we are called to help. But God loves a cheerful giver. He doesn’t want us to go into hardship and begrudge him because we feel forced to give…. NO No NO!!!. I don’t have a million to give away, but I can give my time. I don’t have big bucks, but I can give a little I have left over and more. Being rich doesn’t have to mean you by a building for someone, it means taking the time to do more, to help others, it can be prayer, or volunteering to serve at church or services helping others. Instead of throwing goods out, donate them to a worthy cause.
If you see a stranger on the corner, take time to listen, I have started to carry an extra backpack in the trunk of my car with a few survival things inside of it to give to a homeless person should I see one on the corner. It’s not much, but it may be a little he/she needs to get by for that day. I just want them to know God hears them and loves them.
It is said that you never know when you might be entertaining/caring for a child of God. Truth is we are all children of God. He loves us all unconditionally. So remember that, giving doesn’t hurt when you have Christ in your heart. I am thankful to God for a home, job, food, clothes, my basic needs are met. God is good and I am grateful. I’m blessed. Remember that when you see a homeless person, you will realize just how rich you are without really being rich. Praying it opens your heart to help him/her out.
God Bless,

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